For over 40 years Granville-Phillips has been recognized as a leader in supplying vacuum equipment of exceptional quality and has established a philosophy of quality and product dependability.
Modular Solutions
Mini-Convectron modules can measure from 10-3 to atmosphere in a compact, space-saving package. The Convectron ATM module eliminates the need for two sensors in those applications that require low pressure measurement and an accurate indication of differential pressure at atmosphere, such as vacuum system loadlocks.
The Micro-Ion module combines the world's smallest ionization gauge with electronics in a compact package.
Modules Include:
275 Mini-Convectron
354 Micro-Ion®
347 Stabil-Ion®
385 Convectron ATM
356 Micro-Ion® Plus
392 Micro-Ion® Plus Modules
390 Micro-Ion® ATM Modules
- 美国CTI On-Board低温泵简介 2019-09-01
- BA Gauge Fil-Tech 2013-12-27
- 地址:上海 上海市金山区朱泾镇秀州村胜利7028号一栋102室
- 邮编:201210
- 电话:18918183917
- 经理:曾超
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- Email:273276310@qq.com